Anh Lữ Việt Huy
Case study

Mr. Huy Lu

Head of PRUVenture Training Delivery (Southern Region)

“If I continue to work with outdated thinking and old knowledge, I am very likely to encounter failure. Pursuing an MBA helps me refresh the conventional mindset of someone who has been working in the same industry for a long time,” shared Mr. Lữ Việt Huy, Head of PRUVenture Training Delivery (Southern Region).

What motivated you to return to your studies after a considerable period of working?

In my view, the more experience one has, the more proactive one needs to be in adapting to market changes. If I continued to work with outdated thinking and old knowledge, failure would be almost inevitable. Although I am currently performing well with my existing skills and knowledge, there’s no guarantee that these values won’t be replaced in the next 5 or 10 years. Therefore, I seize every opportunity to explore new things. Pursuing an MBA is one way for me to experience novel concepts.

I am someone who enjoys learning. On average, I enroll in a course each year that aligns with the needs of my work at that time. The PSO MBA course is particularly special because it spans a longer duration and requires a significant investment of effort.

Why did you choose an MBA over other professional certifications?

After several years in management roles, I realized I needed to deepen my knowledge in multiple disciplines and enhance my management capabilities. These two factors not only boost my confidence in advancing my career but are also crucial for developing a business mindset.

For someone with extensive work experience, I believe an MBA is the most suitable program. Instead of pursuing individual courses in finance, HR, marketing, etc., I prefer a comprehensive and systematic approach to learning. The MBA program provides in-depth expertise and integrates it cohesively, which other certifications do not offer.

When deciding to pursue an MBA, you likely considered many programs. What made you choose the PSO MBA at ISB International Training Institute?

In evaluating MBA programs, I established several criteria. First, I wanted a program with a schedule that allowed me to balance work and study. Second, I sought a program that offered practical value, not just theoretical knowledge. Finally, the instructors needed to be experienced professionals actively working in their fields.

The PSO MBA program meets all these criteria, which is why I chose it.

As you emphasize the practical nature of learning, what practical knowledge has the PSO MBA program provided that you can immediately apply to your work?

One key area is Leadership skills. The PSO MBA program introduced me to the Skill-Will matrix, a tool for managing teams based on their skills and motivations. I’ve used this tool to allocate tasks effectively, ensuring both overall performance and individual expectations are met.

Through MBA Talks, I have become more aware of the importance of working with AI. I now use AI to help with various tasks, such as drafting training programs. AI can suggest a nearly complete outline, while my role is to add professional insights, experience, and personal viewpoints to finalize the training program.

What has been the most memorable learning experience for you after completing half of your PSO MBA journey?

One memorable experience was in the Data Analytics course. After being introduced to the Power BI tool by the instructor, I proactively applied it to real work data. I was confident that my assignment would receive high praise.

However, contrary to my expectations, the assignment received considerable feedback for revisions. Despite the effort I put in, I felt somewhat disappointed. Nonetheless, this challenge motivated me to delve deeper and find more effective methods.

This course also highlighted the importance of data-driven decision-making. Relying on data, I have started to make more strategic and appropriate decisions.

PSO MBA strives to build a diverse and high-quality community of students, instructors, and experts to help students expand their network. How have you leveraged this aspect during your studies?

The classroom environment, with younger classmates, has provided me with many valuable experiences, especially diverse perspectives. Their views on various issues differ significantly from mine, which sometimes helps me see things more clearly.

Additionally, I’ve had the chance to tap into the expertise of younger peers in their specialized fields. When facing issues needing advice, they are a reliable source of insight. I can consult them or seek their professional opinions on challenges I encounter.

Pursuing an MBA is never an easy journey. Can you share some difficulties you faced during your studies and what motivated you to overcome them?

Challenges arose right from the beginning of the PSO MBA program. Within just a month, I received news that my son was diagnosed with leukemia. It was also a period of significant crisis in my industry, putting immense pressure on me to maintain team morale. I faced immense stress from family, work, and studies.

There were many times I considered deferring or quitting my studies. However, my young child gave me additional motivation. The encouragement from my wife and seeing my child’s ongoing treatment made me realize I had no reason to give up. Thus, family became my greatest motivation.

The PSO MBA class also helped me channel my negative energy from work. I interacted with many individuals from various professions, learning from their experiences and sharing my own. This exchange of ideas and experiences has been beneficial for everyone involved.

With these motivations, I am still here, pursuing my MBA dream.

If you could give advice to those considering the PSO MBA program, what would you say?

In the PSO MBA program, you learn from experts who hold management and CEO positions at major domestic and international corporations. Their deep understanding and real-world experience will accelerate your learning. Once you grasp the lessons thoroughly, applying them to your work will become easier.

Similarly, if you wish to deepen your knowledge in any field, seek out individuals with experience and practical insights in that area. Their practical knowledge will undoubtedly provide you with accurate and profound understanding.

The PSO MBA is an internationally recognized business master’s program, designed by Western Sydney University, Australia, which is ranked among the top 1% of universities globally.