Senior Brand Manager at Nestlé Vietnam: ‘Passion for learning brought me to pursue an MBA.’

“For me, an MBA is a journey in life rather than just a moment.” – That’s what Ms. Tran Thi Xuan Trang, Senior Brand Manager at Nestlé Vietnam, shared during the MBA Meetup event in July 2023.

Chị Trang Trần - Senior Brand Manager, Nestlé Vietnam - Học viên MBA Talent khoá 2022
Ms. Tran Thi Xuan Trang, Senior Brand Manager at Nestlé Vietnam, participated in the MBA Meetup program in July 2023.

I heard that you have several years of experience in the FMCG industry. Could you share more about yourself and your current job?

Since joining Nestlé Vietnam in 2016, my work has revolved around areas such as New Product Development, Trade Marketing, Brand Management, and Portfolio Management. Currently, I oversee the operations and management of the Starbucks at Home brand, Starbucks for Food Service, Nestea, and the beverage segment for the business channel – the out-of-home channel.

Chị Trang Trần - Senior Brand Manager, Nestlé Vietnam - Học viên MBA Talent khoá 2022
Ms. Trang is currently responsible for the operation and management of the Starbucks at Home brand, Starbucks for Food Service, Nestea, and the beverage segment for the business channel – the out-of-home channel.

With several years of management experience, could you describe the persona of a manager at Nestlé Vietnam? Additionally, what is your leadership style like in your work?

I believe I was fortunate to join Nestlé Vietnam. Here, the company has a strong connection with Nestlé Global, where I noticed most managers are always inspirational figures. This sparks curiosity and a learning mindset among employees, enabling them to achieve beyond their capabilities.
Overall, managers here excel in inspiring those around them. Through inspiration, individuals are motivated to push themselves, overcome challenges, and ultimately find joy and value in their work.
That’s the general picture of managers at Nestlé Vietnam. Additionally, speaking about work style, I always position myself as a “challenge acceptor” – not afraid of challenges.
Why am I always ready to tackle difficulties? Firstly, I think that success may come today but the same formula may not apply tomorrow. Secondly, to maintain this challenge-accepting mindset, I have to revisit and find motivation within myself – with that motivation, I can always find a way to overcome hurdles.
Chị Trang Trần - Senior Brand Manager, Nestlé Vietnam - Học viên MBA Talent khoá 2022
According to her, the portrait of managers at Nestlé Vietnam is that of inspirational figures – individuals who help employees work beyond their capabilities.

Besides your role as a Senior Brand Manager at Nestlé Vietnam, it’s known that you are also currently an MBA student at Western Sydney University. What circumstances led you to pursue the MBA program?

In the past, I’ve always had a passion for learning. For me, pursuing an MBA is more of a journey to discover myself than just an event. When the opportunity for the MBA arose, I questioned myself if I would regret missing this chance, but the excitement about learning spurred me on to pursue it wholeheartedly.
Reflecting on my year in the MBA program at Western Sydney University, I’ve gained invaluable knowledge not just from professors and business leaders but also from talented peers. The MBA program at Western Sydney University offers fascinating courses accompanied by numerous challenges that require effort to overcome.
Initially, I faced difficulties balancing my personal life, work, and studies. However, the motivation stemming from my passionate inspiration for learning helped me navigate those initial tough phases. Of course, I couldn’t have done it alone; I received tremendous support from family, colleagues, and classmates.
After a year, surely there are still challenges, and the journey isn’t yet complete. However, my passion for learning remains as strong as it was in the beginning. Being a part of the MBA journey at Western Sydney University feels like a right and fulfilling choice.
Chị Trang Trần - Senior Brand Manager, Nestlé Vietnam - Học viên MBA Talent khoá 2022
After a year of reflecting on the MBA program at Western Sydney University, I can say I’ve gained a wealth of valuable knowledge not only from professors and business leaders but also from talented peers.

In the journey of shaping myself as a ‘challenge acceptor,’ do you have any tips that others can apply, both in their careers and studies?

If I were to offer advice based on my personal experiences, I don’t think it would fit everyone. However, here are some suggestions for your consideration.
Firstly, listen and understand the voice inside you. This isn’t a journey that unfolds in a day or a few months; it’s a constant exploration of oneself—what inspires you, what drives you to act.
Alongside this continual self-discovery and growth, having an open mind, and always ‘staying true to yourself,’ is vital. Life often whirls us into uncertainty, but understanding your passions, inspirations, and motivations allows you to chart your course forward.
For example, if you’re passionate about learning, using that passion as inspiration and motivation for your studies allows you to see areas needing further thought in any situation. You don’t always need external tools; if you genuinely want to learn, you can observe, research, and practice anywhere.
Moreover, there are many suitable courses, training programs within companies, and guidance from mentors—these are all supplementary resources that help you enhance and develop your learning abilities.
Start with yourself first and relentlessly pursue what you desire. Wishing you all the best and greater success in your careers!
Chị Trang Trần - Senior Brand Manager, Nestlé Vietnam - Học viên MBA Talent khoá 2022
“Be yourself – always maintain your passion and inspiration to overcome life’s challenges.” – Ms. Trang Tran summarized.

Thank you for the insightful and interesting sharing, Ms. Trang Tran. Wishing you good health and continued success in your career!

MBA Meetup is a series of online networking events focused on educational journeys, learning experiences, and work insights shared by current and former MBA students.